Just Call Me Internet
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NEWSie - a UseNet Newsreader Sept 08, 1997
NEWSie uses the NNTP Internet protocol to read UseNet News articles. It
provides a standard GEM interface complete with menu, windows, and mouse
It uses STiK as the Internet access manager via SLIP connection. NEWSie
provides the ability to read, save, and print NEWS articles, and full
Posting and Reply capabilities.
Articles can be downloaded and read offline. Offline Posting and
Followup functions are available.
Newsie supports a full complement of e-mail services, including Send,
Reply, and Forwarding of mail messages. Multiple mailboxes are
supported, with transfer of mail between mailboxes. Mailboxes may be
sorted in subject, author and date order. A facility to use and
edit nicknames is available.
NEWSie also provides FTP (File Transfer Protocol) support for the
Atari computer User. Selection of servers with individual logon id,
password and directory are provided. Directory lists are cached to
provide the fastest access, and directories are automatically retrieved
when changes have been made.
NEWSie will be made available free of charge for download from several
ftp sites.
For more information:
John Rojewski
e-mail: rojewski@primenet.com
WWW: http://www.primenet.com/~rojewski/newsie.html
This is an attempt to document the facilities of NEWSie, a UseNet
Newsreader client for the Atari series of computers. NEWSie is a GEM
compliant program with standard GUI features including menus, windows,
dialogs, and mouse and keyboard input. In addition to UseNet, NEWSie
supports e-mail send via smtp and receive via pop3 protocols.
The following major topics are included in this document:
The File Menu provides methods to control NewsGroup lists, Article
Printing, and Exiting the program. The Close item provides the ability
to close any open window. The Save As item provides the ability to save
the Newsgroup List, current news article, or current mail messages with
a different name.
The Edit Menu contains all the standard Cut, Copy, and Paste commands.
Cut, Copy, and Paste are implemented for some windows in this version
of NEWSie. Copy works for the Subscribed Newsgroups, New Newsgroups,
and Full Newsgroups windows. Cut and Paste work only for the Subscribed
Newsgroups window.
The News Menu contains methods to select Next Article, Next Thread,
and Next Group. Additional items provide the ability to Post messages,
and Followup to messages read. The 'Read for Offline' item will
read all outstanding messages for all newsgroups in the current .GRP
file. (See Offline NewsReading below)
Mail support is available via the items in this menu. E-mail send,
reply, and forward are available. The ability to check your POP3 maildrop
exists, via the Check Mail item, and the Get Mail item will retrieve your
mail to your system.
An Open In Box item will open and display a list of any messages received.
An Open Mailbox item provides the ability to view other mailboxs, including
an OUTBOX, which contains a copy of all email which has been sent via NEWSie.
There are also user-defined mailboxes that will store inbound
mail, and copies of messages sent. The Edit Nicknames menu allows
special receipients to have short nicknames, that are expanded when the
message is actually sent.
The Address book may be opened, and Address may be added while viewing
either news or mail messages by selecting the 'Add to Address Book'
A 'Send Queued Mail' item has been added to this menu.
The FTP menu provides the ability to get and put files on FTP servers.
The menu is split into two (2) sections. The first for Servers:
selecting, editing, adding and deleting. The second is for moving
through the server directories and retrieving, storing, or deleting files.
The Special Menu contains some additional items, including the retrieval
of the Full Group list, and any new Newsgroups. Manual Connect and
Disconnect are avaialble. A final item (Open URL) allows you to
retreive any Web reference (http-web page, graphic, etc.) from within
NEWSie. The ability to extract UUEncoded articles is provided. The Log
file can be viewed online via the 'Show Log File' menu item.
The Preferences Menu supplies a variety of areas that the user needs to
change to configure NEWSie to work with his/her Internet Service Provider
(ISP) and also to allow the user to define some defaults for system
operation. Most selections present a Dialog to the user.
Subscribed NewsGroups
The Subscribed NewsGroups window displays the NewsGroups that you have
selected to be kept aware of new articles. A NewsGroup is a category of
messages that (should) relate to some topic.
There are many thousands of NewsGroups, and not all News Servers (ISPs)
offer all NewsGroups. You may manually enter the name of a NewsGroup you
are interested in viewing, or in combination with the Full NewsGroup
and New NewsGroup windows, Subscribe to additional NewsGroups.
If your ISP does not support a particular newsgroup in the Subscribed
Newsgroups list, it will be marked with a '?' in the first column of the
display. You may select such a group, but the only action that may be
performed is to UnSubscribe.
Article Overview
For any given NewsGroup, selecting that NewsGroup via a double-click or
Return Key in the Subscribed NewsGroup window will fetch the Article
Overview list from the News Server. This list is displayed in the
Article Overview window. The overviews are formatted with:
Article number
Date of submission
Number of lines of message text
Any of the overviews can be selected via mouse click or keyboard up and
down arrow keys. When selected, the article overview is displayed in
color RED (subject to preferences). For Monochrome users (ST-High), the
selected article will be underlined.
Shift up/down arrows will scroll a page.
A double-click or Return key will fetch the selected Article from the
News Server.
Article Threads are recognized. Threads are a group of related articles,
and are marked with a '+' for the primary article, and '-' for subordinate
articles. Threads formatting is dependent upon the Newsreading Preferences
'Create Threads' and 'Collapse Threads'. If 'Create Threads' is un-selected,
then Thread processing is bypassed and articles are shown in numeric
(ascending) order. If 'Create Threads' alone is selected, both the primary
('+') articles and subordinate ('-') articles will be displayed. If the
'Collapse Threads' option is selected, only the primary ('+') articles
will be displayed.
The left and right arrow keys control the expansion and/or collapse of
individual threads. Selecting a primary article and pressing the right
arrow key will display all subordinate articles for that thread. Clicking
the left arrow on the primary, or any subordinate article, will collapse
the thread back to just the primary article.
Article Text
The Article Text window displays a News Article. The article contains a
header and the message body. The header contains lines such as: Author,
Subject, Date, etc. The body contains the message response entered by
the author. Each article read is available on your local disk as
'NNNNNN.TXT', where NNNNN is the Article number. These files can be
deleted by you as you choose by pressing the Del key within the window.
This provides a method to keep un-wanted messages from accumulating.
Up/down arrows will scroll 1 line, and Shift up/down arrows will
scroll a page.
If you prefer an external viewer program instead of the builtin window,
you may select a viewer program from the Preferences menu in the Path
Preferences dialog (External Viewer Path). Once this is done, selecting
'Use External Viewer' in the Newsreading Options dialog will cause NEWSie
to call the external program with the article filename.
Offline Newsreading
NEWSie supports offline newsreading with version 0.60. The menu item
'Read for Offline' will read all outstanding articles in all newsgroups
in the current Subscribed Newsgroups window. Warning: until you are
familiar with the operation of this program, the author suggests you
limit the number of newsgroups/articles to some finite number less than
ten newsgroups and a total of 100 articles. A maximum of 400 articles
can be maintained for each newsgroup (if you have the disk space!).
The 'Read for Offline' menu item is used while online (connected to your
mail server) and will build a set of files and directories in the
directory you have named as the 'Offline Path' (see Path Preferences).
The Escape key is active, and will abort this function at any time.
After reading the articles, Quit NEWSie, Disconnect STiK, and start
NEWSie again. This time, you will be able to view the articles saved on
disk in the same way as online articles. The delete key will delete
articles on disk, and also remove the entry in the Overview window when
the window is closed.
Offline Posting of new articles, and Followups to articles read is now
supported. These articles are created as the result of a Post/Followup
followed by a 'Send' or 'Queue' when there is no connection to the News
Server. At the next time there is a connection to the News Server,
these articles are transmitted, and deleted from your system.
To view the articles waiting to be Posted, use the 'Open Offline
PostBox' item in the News menu. This will open the PostBox (if it
exists) and allow you to view/edit the articles, and/or delete them
before they are sent via the 'Delete' key.
There are (currently) no preference controls on this function.
New NewsGroups
The New NewsGroups window displays a list of NewsGroups created after a
certain Date and Time. The data and time are entered by the user in a
dialog. This list can be referenced and any of the NewsGroup names
can be selected, and Subscribed to. When the Subscribe is performed, the
NewsGroup name is added to the Subscribed NewsGroup window, and is
immediately available for use. A double-click with the left mouse button,
or selecting Subscribe from the Special menu performs the Suscribe function.
If you have enough memory, a sort will take place. This will also
remove extraneous information from the NEWGRP.TXT file (thus reducing
its size) and will create a NEWGRP.IDX file which is used to reduce the
time required to scroll through the file.
Shift up/down arrows will scroll a page.
Search and Match are available via the 's' and 'm' keys respectively.
Full NewsGroups
The Full NewsGroups window serves a similar purpose, but contains a
complete list of all NewsGroups available from your News Server. Because
this file can be very large, it may take several minutes to fetch it.
The same selection and subscription ability exists for this window as for
the New NewsGroups window. An attempt to sort this file will be made.
If you have enough memory, the sort will take place. This will also
remove extraneous information from the FULLGRP.TXT file (thus reducing
its size) and will create a FULLGRP.IDX file which is used to reduce the
time required to scroll through the file.
Shift up/down arrows will scroll a page.
Search and Match are available via the 's' and 'm' keys respectively.
The Mailbox window displays the contents of various mailboxes. Two
Mailboxes are provided by NEWSie, the InBox and the OutBox. The InBox
contains a list of all emails received via the Get Mail Menu title.
After receiving mail, clicking on the Open In Box will display the
messages with a 'U' (unread) in the first column. Double-clicking on
any message line will open the Mail Text window (see below). Arrow keys
will move up or down in the list, and the return key will also select
the current mail message. The delete key will mark the item for
deletion when the window is closed.
A 'transfer' from any mailbox to any other mailbox (including creating a
new mailbox) by pressing the 't' key. To create a new MailBox, enter
the Mailbox name followed by '.MBX' in the file selector (i.e. NEW.MBX).
(Of course the name can be anything, but NEWSie will only look for MBX
files by default.)
You may sort the mailbox in any or three ways. By author ('a'), subject
('s'), or date ('d'). (Some date stamps are non-standard, and may
produce undesirable sort order.)
Shift up/down arrows will scroll a page.
Holding down the Shift key and pressing return will open the External
Editor with the selected Mail Message.
Mail Text
This window displays the content of any of the selected Mailboxes. This
window is shown unless the 'Use External Viewer' option is selected.
The delete key serves the same function as in the MailBox window,
namely, to delete the current mail message when the MailBox window is
Up/down arrows will scroll 1 line, and Shift up/down will scroll a page.
Three windows are provided for FTP support. The Server window allows the
user to open a connection with an existing server, add a new server,
edit an existing server parameters, or delete a server. The return key
is used as a shortcut for Open, Insert for new, '?' for edit, and Delete
for delete.
The Directory window is visible after an FTP session has been
established. The window contains a file attributes list, the file or
directory name, the size of the file, and date and time the file was
last updated. Keyboard shortcuts are available. Return will retrieve a
file, or open the directory (if the entry is a directory). Delete will
delete the file (or directory), Insert will prompt for a file to upload
(i.e. store) on the server, and Shift-Insert will allow the user to
upload a file with a different name. The ability to create a new
directory is available from the FTP menu or via the 'm' key. Default
transfer mode is Binary, however the 'a' key will use Ascii mode for the
next transfer, and 'b' will use binary mode. Any directory retrieval
will revert back to binary mode.
The third window is the 'view' uption. This provides the ability to
download a file and display it immediately on the screen within a
window. This is designed for text files only, to read INDEX files and
other documentation related things.
Window related help is available via the HELP key, or right mouse button
click. In machines with AES 3.3 or higher, there are window specific
popup command menus which include a Help entry. These popup menus can
make operating NEWSie more efficient and pleasant.
If you have ST-Guide installed in your computer, NEWSie provides .HYP
format help files instead of the test files.
The Log window is provided to allow the user to see the results of
various activities online. This is particularly useful to see the
preamble text from some anonymouse FTP sites, and possible error
conditions. The Log Window can be opened via the 'Show Log File' menu
item in the Special menu. Scrolling up and down is provided.
Additionally, any keypress or mouse click within the window will update
the window display to allow viewing of the entire log file, since it may
have increased in size since the window was opened.
Address Book
The Address Book window is very similar in function to the FTP Server
window in many aspects. The ability to Add, Edit or Delete entries in
the Address Book are primary functions. While sorting of the entries is
automatic for insertions, editing the name will not automatically
re-sort the Address Book and a manual Sort function is provided.
Selection of an address is via mouse click or arrow keys. The current
email address will be shown in red (underlined for Monochrome).
Pressing the return key or double-clicking will open a Send Mail dialog
with the selected user name and address inserted, ready for the Subject
to be inserted. An Info area is provided in the Edit dialog to insert
some comment or note about the user. The Address book file is limited
to about 32,700 entries, but may be smaller if less memory is available
on your machine.
Browser Window
Starting with version 0.80, the browser window will be opened when any text
file is selected via the 'Open URL' menu item. In this initial offering, only
the raw text is displayed, and no formatting is performed. As additional time
becomes available, HTML formatting will be performed. Standard scrolling is
handled for this window.
Personal Preferences
The Personal Preferences dialog provides the ability to enter information
about the user. Fields include:
Full Name
Organization name
E-mail address
Account name - contains your ISP account name for mail.
Server Preferences
The Server Preferences dialog provides the ability of the user to specify
information about the Internet servers that will be used to access the
News and Mail systems. Fields include:
NewsServer name
MailServer names (both SMTP (send) and POP3 (receive))
Connect to NewsServer on startup indicator
Open Subscribed Newsgroups window on startup indicator
2 TCP/IP timeout values
General Preferences
A long time in arriving, this dialog is for additional things
that work across all protocols, windows, etc. Initially this includes:
Auto-Topping Windows - selecting this option will cause the window the
mouse is over to become the top window, without any clicking. The
status window is excluded from this contol, that is, if the status
window is top, the auto-topping is ignored. The delay for recognizing
a new top window is 0.5 seconds. Leave this option off (un-crossed)
to maintain the old method of selecting a window.
Toolbars - an added feature in NEWSie 0.78. Certain windows can
have a toolbar (ie. button bar) placed wither at the top or bottom of
the window. These buttons provide a fast efficient way to perform
common functions. Toolbars are unique to the specific window.
Selecting just the Toolbars defaults to a position at the top of the
window, and selecting the 'at bottom' box with display at the bottom
of the window.
Look for other options to be put into General Preferences.
News Reading Preferences
The News Reading Preferences dialog provides the user with several
options pertaining to the method by which NEWSie will display News
Articles on the user's screen. Fields include:
Display the article header lines
Maximum number of messages to read
Use External Viewer
Create Threads
Collapse Threads
Most recent 'n' articles
Allow Offline Newsreading
Erase articles after viewing
Mail Preferences
The Mail Preferences include several features for storing and
manipulating e-mail. fields include:
Delete Mail from Server after Receipt
Use a saved password
The user's password (saved in the Prefs file)
Send Queued Output at Check_Mail
Delete Queued Output after being sent
Message Preferences
The Message Preferences dialog provides the user with several options
pertaining to the method for responding to Articles read. These include:
Followup to NewsGroup
Reply to the article's author via e-mail
Send copy to yourself via e-mail
Character(s) to indicate a quote
FTP Preferences Dialog
This dialog is used to set various FTP preferences. These include:
Send HELP at connect - a list of valid commands are written to
the log file if allowed in the Log Preferences
Issue Allocate before Store - send command to allocate storage
space on server. Some servers ignore this command, and some need it.
Save Last Directory - saves name of the latest directory referenced on
a server if selected. This was the default in prior versions of NEWSie.
Saving this directory name means that connecting to the server will
automatically take you to the same directory you last referenced.
Path Preferences
The Path Preferences dialog allows the user to specify where additional
files, articles, etc. should be stored in the user's computer file system.
These include:
Work Path
Mail Path (for e-mail)
Offline Path (for offline newsreading)
External Editor Program
External Viewer Program
Note: The Titles are also selectable, and they allow the same
functionality as selecting the Path objects they represent.
Log Preferences
The Log Preferences dialog allows the user to specify how much or how
little information is recorded about the actual activity of NEWSie in
retrieving and replying to articles. In general, there is little
information in the Log for casual users, and most users will not need to
change these preferences. The 'Log Data' selection is unused (i.e. it
does nothing. 'Mask Passwords' will change any password characters into
a string of '*'s, before logging to prevent accidently exposing your
The option 'Log Transfer Rates' will provide a character per second (cps)
calculation for files being received. No calculation is provided for
files being sent to the server.
Signature Preferences
The Signature Preferences dialog is provided to allow users to suffix any
reply or posted responses with their selected signature. The filepath
displayed indicates the current signature file, and the first several lines
of text are displayed. Clicking on the filename allows the user to select
a new signature file. As with the Path Preferences dialog above, the
Signature Path title is also selectable, and provides the same
functionality as selecting the filename object.
Font Preferences
The Font Preferences dialog is provided to allow the user to vary the font
displayed in the NewsGroup, Overview, and Article windows. For those users
the have some version of GDOS (including NVDI), they may select any of several
font faces and point sizes. Clicking on the arrow box on the right of the
font name will 'drop down' a font selection list. Arrow buttons in the list
allow for scrolling. Clicking on any font name will select that font for use.
In the event that the chosen font does not exist in a particular configuration,
the default system font will be used instead.
Transfer Status
The Transfer Status dialog is an output only dialog provided to give the
user visual feedback of data transfers as they occur. This is status is
available whenever there is information being received from the servers,
or being sent to the servers. The Transfer Status display may be disabled
by un-selecting the 'Show Status' option in the Newsreading Preferences
dialog. This can be classified as a window too, since it is now
Full NewsGroup Warning
The Full NewsGroup Warning dialog is provided to warn the user that this
transfer can take a long time and use a lot of disk space.
Full NewsGroup Re-load
The Full NewsGroup Re-load dialog is provided to allow the user to use
the existing Full NewsGroup list or download a new one. Using the
existing file is much faster.
New NewsGroup Selection
The New NewsGroup Selection dialog is provided to allow the user to see
any NewsGroups that have been created since a specified date. This, in
combination with the Full NewsGroup list, will allow the user to access
new NewsGroups as they become available.
Subscribe to NewsGroup
The Subscribe to Newsgroup dialog is presented in several situations:
double-click in the Full Newsgroups window
double-click in the New Newsgroups window
The Subscribe Menu title
Insert key in the Subscribed Newsgroups window
In the first 2 cases, the Newsgroup name will be displayed. Clicking on
the OK button will enter the Newsgroup into the current Subscribed NewsGroup
file (i.e DEFAULT.GRP, or other). The 3rd case (Subscribe Menu) can be used
instead of the double-click, but may also be used at any time to allow the
user to type in the name of a Newsgroup. The 4th case (Insert key) will
also allow the user to type in a Newsgroup name. Note that if the
Newsgroup name is invalid or unsupported by your ISP, the current Subscribed
Newsgroup file/window will not be updated.
UnSubscribe from Newsgroup
The UnSubscribe from Newsgroup dialog is presented in the following
The UnSubscribe Menu title
Delete key in the Subscribed Newsgroups window
In either case, the currently selected Newsgroup is displayed in the
dialog with question 'UnSubscribe from Newsgroup?'. Pressing the OK
button deletes the Newsgroup from the Subscribed window and file.
Edit Nicknames
The Edit Nicknames dialog is available to allow sending messages to
people that you will frequently correspond with, or for implementating
mailing list of several people whom you wish to send the same message
to. Clicking on a empty Nickname (left column) will add a new nickname.
DO NOT use spaces, as everything past first space will be ignored. A
Description is available to describe the nickname. To add email
addresses to a Nickname, click on the nickname, then click on an empty
entry in the Address (right column), and fill in the email address.
When completed, click OK to save the additions/changes, or Quit to leave
the edit dialog without any changes. There is a limit of 100 entries,
which include Nicknames, Descriptions, and Addresses. No more than 30
nicknames, or 30 addresses per nickname are allowed by the dialog.
With Version 0.82, if you use Magic, or have WDIALOG.PRG in your AUTO
folder, this dialog will operate like a window. It is therefore non-
blocking and moveable. The window closer gadget operates like the CANCEL
button in the dialog (i.e. no changes saved).
Edit Server
The Edit Server dialog is provided to allow a user to enter a new FTP
server name and logon information, or, to edit the information of an
existing server. A sample of servers is provided in the DEFAULT.SVR
file. The logon name can be specific or 'anonymous' for servers which
allow anonymous FTP sessions. The accepted password for an anonymous
FTP connection is the user's e-mail address. A The starting directory is
saved after a session if selected in the FTP Preferences dialog,
and can be changed before opening the connection if desired.
If the logon name is missing, 'anonymous' is used. The the password is
missing, the user's email id is used for 'anonymous', or the user is
prompted via the password dialog if the logon name is something else.
A maximum of 30 server definitions are supported.
There is now an additional parameter which allows the selection of a
port number. This number may be 0 thru 9999. The default value is 21.
This default is used if the port field is empty (null string).
Edit Function Keys
As part of a request to support better keyboard shorcuts this
feature provides the ability to select any Menu function via one of the
20 Programmable Function Keys at the top of the keyboard. The Edit
Function Keys menu item in the Preferences Menu will display a dialog
containing the editable text.
The dialog consists of 2 columns of 10 editable fields for the user to
enter the text of the Menu Function to be executed when that function key
is pressed. The compare is case-insensitive, so 'quit' works just as
well as 'Quit'. The compare is for the length of the input text, so just
a 'q' will execute the 'Quit' menu item.
Cancel and OK buttons are provided. The Cancel button is the default,
and the OK button saves the changed definitions into a text file.
Address Book
As part of the Address Book, this dialog provides the ability to edit
information in the Address Book. This dialog is used to request user
verification of additions to the Address Book and well as edits. Cancel
and OK buttons are provided. Clicking on the OK button will initiate a
save of the Address Book.
STiK Disabled
The STiK Disabled dialog is displayed at startup when the STiK accessory
is not 'enabled'. STiK must be enabled and most likely connected to the
user's Internet Service Provided (ISP) before NEWSie can access new
Post/Followup Article
This dialog allows you to respond to News postings, or create a new News
article to the selected Newsgroup. A Newsgroup name may be entered into
the dialog directly, but to eliminate the possibility of typing mistakes,
the prefered method is to use the Newsgroup name filled in by NEWSie from
the selected newsgroup in the Seubscribed Newsgroups window. A subject
should be entered for New Posts. NEWSie will automatically generate a
'Re:' prefix for Followups. Use the 'Cancel' button to cancel the Post/
Followup. Use the 'Edit' to create your Post or Followup text, and use
the 'Send' or 'Queue' to send the Post/Followup immediately, or queue it
for later submission.
Send/Reply/Forward Mail
This dialog allows you to send mail, to reply to mail received, and to
forward mail to another user. After selecting a recipient via the To:
editable field, and putting something onto the Subject: field, you may
select the 'Edit' button to enter the external editor. The 'cc:' field
is also available to send a copy to another person. After completing
the editing, and quitting the editor, this dialog will again appear, and
you may choose 'Cancel', 'Send' or 'Queue'. Choosing 'Send' will send
the message immediately if online, or queue the message in the OUTBOX
mailbox to be sent at a later time. 'Queue' will just queue the message.
The 'To:' and 'cc:' buttons allow a fast access to Nicknames to fill into
the fields. These buttons will also display up to the first 300 entries
in the Nicknames/Address Book. This provides additional functionallity
for addressing email.
A single File Attachment is now supported, with three (3) encoding options:
None, UUE, or MIME encoding. These methods are compatible with the decoding
options already provided by NEWSie. The encoding buttons are radio-buttons,
so only one is selectable at a time. The encoding is performed before the
file is presented to the user for editing. The user should be careful not
to change any of the encoded text or associated headers, because this may
render the encodings un-decipherable and un-usable by the recipient. To
cancel a file attachment in the dialog, select it again, and press the CANCEL
button in the file selector.
The NEWSIE.RSC file is required for operation. It should be in the same
directory as NEWSIE.PRG. This file contains all of the Menu and Dialog
definitions. There should be no reason for the user to modify this file
in any way.
There is a French resource NEWSIEFR.RSC. If you wish to use this
resource, rename the original English version (NEWSIE.RSC to
NEWSIE.RSX), and rename the NEWSIEFR.RSC to NEWSIE.RSC. See the
LANGUAGE folder for other French translations of NEWSie documentation.
Feel free to replace the English HELP files with the French counterparts
if you would like.
There is also an Italian resource NEWSIEIT.RSC. Italian documentation
is included in the LANGUAGE\ITALIAN directory.
There is also a Swedish resource NEWSIESV.RSC. Swedish documentation
is included in the LANGUAGE\SWEDISH directory.
Support Program(s)
With NEWSie 0.54, the UUD.TTP program is provided. It should be placed in
the directory configured as the Work Path. This program provides the
service of decoding any UUEncoded data in retrieved messages. This encoded
data is most generally a binary file (picture or program). The 'Extract
Binaries' menu item in the Special Menu uses this program.
With version 0.74, the MUNPACK.TTP program is provided. It should also
be placed in the Work Path directory. This program provides the service
of decoding MIME uncoded data (base64, etc.). The 'Extract Binaries'
menu will examine the current file and select this module if the article
or messages contains MIME control statements. Many thanks to programmer
Jos den Bekker for writing this fine program.
The PREFS.INF file is required for proper operation. It should be in the
same directory as NEWSIE.PRG. There is a generic PREFS.INF file in the
distribution. Feel free to use this as the basis for configuring NEWSie
to your preferences. See the individual Preference dialogs for any
specific options available.
Note that NEWSie will automatically update your existing PREFS.INF file
to include all of the most recent parameters when you execute a more
current version of NEWSie.
Subscribed NewsGroups
The DEFAULT.GRP file is required for proper operation. There is a
generic DEFAULT.GRP file in the distribution. You may add new NewsGroups
to this, and delete ones you are not interested in subscribing to. You
may have several Subscribed NewsGroup files, and use them interchangeably.
The DEFAULT.GRP will be used by NEWSie at startup. A GRP file can
contain a maximum of 100 newsgroup names.
Full NewsGroups
The FULLGRP.TXT file is an optional file. It is optional because it can
be extremely large, possibly larger than 1 Meg. This file is retrieved
from your selected News Server only if you request it. Once retrieved,
it is used until you request it again. This file will contain a listing
of all the NewsGroups that are available for subscription from your News
Server. An FULLGRP.IDX file is created when the file is sorted.
MailBoxes and Mail
A MAIL path is available in the Path Preferences. Within this path
NEWSie will establish MailBoxes and Mail messages. MailBoxes are
expected to have a suffix of .MBX, and Mail messages will be in the form
MAILnnnn.TXT, where nnnn is a unique number from 0000-9999.
A mailbox can contain a maximum of 100 messages. There is no limit to
the number of mailboxes, except local disk storage.
The LOG file is a temporary file created by NEWSie during its processing.
It is of most interest to the author and to others who want more
information about the workings of NEWSie and other UseNet news reader
programs and the associated commands, protocol, etc. The Log Preferences
dialog will allow you to configure the information put into this file as
you choose. The Log file is viewable via the 'Show Log File' menu entry
in the Special menu.
Offline Articles
If you choose to use the Offline Newsreading features, you should
specify a Offline Path directory (OFFLINE is included in the
distribution file). NEWSie will create a set of directories under the
selected Offline path for each newsgroup that can have offline articles.
The names of these directories are a 'compression' of the newsgroup
name. The articles are placed in the respective directory in the same
format as for online articles ('NNNNNN'.TXT') in separate files.
Offline Posts and Followups
Articles are saved in files named 'POSTNNNN.TXT' in the WorkPath.
An index of these files is called 'POSTS.PBX' (PBX being similar
to MBX, meaning PostBoX). These files are created as the result of a
Post/Followup followed by a 'Send' or 'Queue' when there is no connection
to the News Server. At the next time there is a connection to the News
Server, these files are transmitted, and deleted from your WorkPath.
If before you connect to the News Server, you decide to refrain from
Posting something, you should use the 'Open Offline PostBox' menu item
in the News menu to review and/or delete the offending file(s) via the
'Delete' key.
The NICKNAME.TXT file is used to store nicknames and addresses. In
future versions, there may be several selectable filenames, and size
limitations may be changed.
FTP Servers
The DEFAULT.SVR file contains several FTP server names, with anonymous
logon capability. Please feel free to add or delete as you choose.
The file can contain up to 30 server definitions.
Support for non-standard FTP port numbers has been added in version 0.82.
Function Keys
The FKEYS.TXT file is in the program-path (i.e. same directory as
NEWSIE.PRG). This file is loaded at startup and is activated when the
user presses a function key F1 thru F10, or F11 thru F20 (shift F1 thru
F10). The text of the key is compared with the menu items, and if they
match, the menu item is executed. Example:
F2<tab>Edit Nicknames
Between the F1 and Quit is a single <tab> character. Function
keys are F1 thru F20 inclusive. A sample file is included in the
distribution (zip) file. Function key definitions are editable via
the Edit Function Keys menu entry in the Preferences menu.
Note: for non-english users, use the menu text as it appears in the menu
items. i.e. Sauver for Save, Sauver comme for Save As, etc.
Address Book
The Address book is currently limited to a single file: ADDRESS.ABK, and
resides in the work path with NEWSIE.PRG. Future versions may provide
the ability to have multiple Address Books.
Mail List Attribution Support
It is possible to subscribe to Mail lists. These mail list servers provide
a copy of email sent to them to every subscribed member. It is often very
useful to have an indication on replies to indicate what member initiated the
message, in the form 'On <some date>, <the user> wrote:'. This is handled by
NEWSie with a file called LISTSVR.TXT located in the Mail Path. An example
is included in the MAIL directory in the distribution ZIP file.
There is no dialog to modifiy this file. You must edit it manually if you
would like to use this feature. NEWSie checks this file, and tries to match
the destination email address with one of the entries in the file. If there
is a match, the Attribution line (On <date>, <user>...) is produced. This
processing only affects reply messages.
HELP Files
There are text files in the HELP directory which may be viewed at any
time by pressing the Help key. Help is based upon the current top
window. If there are no windows, or the Help window is currently on
top, the General Help file is displayed. See the non-english
language HELP in the LANGUAGES directory. With version 0.80, NEWSie
supports ST-Guide hypertext (.HYP) help files too!
In version 0.68 and above, the right mouse button also initiates the
help processing. If your computer has AES version 3.3 or above, there
are additional commands in the popup menu displayed.
NEWSie startup features include the following:
CAB Internet Client Support
Select NewsGroup file at startup
Select Preference file at startup
CAB Internet Client Support
With the introduction of CAB 1.5, comes the ability for CAB to
start other programs based upon the URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
NEWSie had a start at handling the 'news:' URLs, but was never tested.
The following URLS are supported by NEWSie:
'news:' - a newsgroup name is the only parameter supported.
The <message-id> option is not supported by NEWSie at this time.
Note: a message-id contains the '@' character, and newsgroup names do not.
'ftp://' - the following formats are supported:
the first is called 'anonymous' and the second is 'non-anonymous'.
This second method requires a userid and password for the domain.
It is useful for local use, but should never occur on Web pages,
since the password could be seen by anybody.
'mailto:' - followed by a email-address. This is already supported
within CAB, but NEWSie is used, the OUTBOX copy feature is available,
These have been tested on TOS 4.04 and Magic, but not MultiTOS, Geneva,
etc. NEWSie does recognize VA_START commands from external clients.
Select NewsGroup file at startup
NEWSie has the ability to be started with a particular newsgroup file
If defined as a Desktop Application for file type '.GRP', NEWSie will use
the specified GRP file instead of the DEEFAULT.GRP file.
Select Preferences file at startup
NEWSie will provide the ability to startup with a Preferences file other
than PREFS.INF when either of the Shift Keys are held down when starting
the program. This will produce the Load Preferences File Selector.
Note: The PREFS.INF is loaded first, then the newly selected prefs file.
Several things are necessary to use NEWSie from the distribution ZIP file.
1. Unzip the NEWSIEnn.ZIP file and move to where ever you want it.
2. Enable STiK if it is installed. If you don't have STiK installed, you
will not be able to perform any Online activities with NEWSie.
3. Double-click on NEWSIE.PRG
4. Immediately go to the Preferences Menu and fill in the following:
Personal Preferences
Server Preferences (especially the NewsServer name)
Path Preferences for editor and viewer usage, MAIL and OFFLINE path
Other Preferences as you choose
Save Preferences
5. Quit NEWSie via Quit in File menu
6. If not already connected to the Internet (via STiK dialer), do so.
7. Execute NEWSie again, hopefully getting a connection to your NewsServer.
If you have selected 'Connect at Startup' in the Server Preferences,
this should occur automatically, otherwise, use the 'Manual Connect'
item in the Special Menu.
8. If you speak French, Italian or Swedish, you may want to use the NEWSIEFR.RSC,
NEWSIEIT.RSC, or NEWSIESV.RSC and the French, Italian, or Swedish HELP files.
Program documentation is also available in these languages. See the
LANGUAGE directory for more information.
9. Report problems to: rojewski@primenet.com.
NOTE: If you upgrade to a new release of NEWSie, make certain you keep
the PRG and RSC files co-ordinated. Failure to apply the correct RSC file
can cause major problems...
Enhancements to NEWSie are planned. The current package is continuously
being improved. (Unfortunately there are only so many hours of programming
time in a week...)
Some acknowledged areas of weakness are:
Documentation of features (i.e this document)
News Article management
See IMPROVE.DOC for a survey of suggested improvements.
Atari Works cannot be used as external editor/viewer
FTP servers that will not allow the PASV command are not available
via NEWSie.
Some problems with 'Edit Nicknames'. Causes 2 bombs for some.
See HISTORY.DOC to see what has changed in the previous version(s).
See WHATS.NEW to see what is new in this version.